our Bronzes
Large Bronzes
4 Amanita mushrooms
A Game of Chess
Balloon Pirates
Caterpillar Spiller
Caught in the Act
Fairy by Jim Kempton
Garden Gnome Hunter
Giant Amanita Mushroom
Goblin with Mushrooms
Keep off the Grass
Milly by Jim Kempton
Mr Warty Slugmuncher
Parenthood (segment)
Professor Escargot
Psathyrella Mushrooms
Seedpod Fountain
Sisters by Jim Kempton
SOLD OUT Snailmaker
The Aviator
SOLD OUT The Drinker
The Ferryman
Woodland Boy
Medium Bronzes
Small Bronzes
Miniature Bronzes
Caterpillar Spiller miniature
Caught in the Act – miniature
Comfort Food – miniature
Fairy miniature
Goblin with Mushrooms miniature
Isabel’s Goblin miniature
Jackpot miniature
Keep off the Grass – miniature
Lights Out miniature
Little Pudding miniature
Magic Dancer miniature
Mermaids miniature
Mischief miniature
Rockpool Goblin miniature
Sax Player miniature
Snailmaker – miniature
Sneakweed miniature
The Aviator miniature
The Drinker miniature
The Ferryman – miniature
Vroom – miniature
Wizard miniature